The story goes that devotion to Our Lady of Health gained strength in the sixteenth century, when the Portuguese population fell victim to the Black Death.
With the end of the plague and in the form of gratitude, from 1570 began the procession in honor of Our Lady of Health.
Prayer to Our Lady of Health:
Most Holy Virgin, Who Are the Health of the Sick,
Refuge of Sinners, and the Comforter the afflicted,
in my weakness and in my discouragement appeal to the treasures
your mercy and kindness.
Sweet Mother, give me the health of the body so that I may fulfill my duties with courage and joy, so that your Son Jesus may serve.
and thank you,
Health of the sick.
Our Lady of Health,
pray for us
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Image of Our Lady of Health in national marfinite
Image of Our Lady of Health in imported marfinite