2023 / 02 / 16

History and Prayer of Saint Therese

History and Prayer of Saint Therese

Once upon a time, in the small town of Lisieux, France, there was a young girl named Thérèse Martin. She was born on January 2, 1873, to a pious family who instilled in her a deep love for God. Thérèse was a very sensitive child, and she often felt overwhelmed by the world around her. But she found comfort and solace in her faith.

As she grew older, Thérèse became more and more devoted to God. She entered the Carmelite convent in Lisieux at the age of 15, and there she spent the rest of her life, serving God through prayer, sacrifice, and love. Thérèse had a deep understanding of God's love, and she longed to share it with others. She wrote extensively about her spiritual journey, and her writings became famous all over the world.

Thérèse's life was not easy, and she suffered from illness and spiritual struggles. But she always remained faithful to God, and she inspired others to do the same. She died on September 30, 1897, at the age of 24, but her legacy lived on. She was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1925, and she is now known as Sainte Thérèse de Lisieux.

Dear God,

We thank you for the life of Sainte Thérèse, and for her example of love and devotion to you. Help us to follow in her footsteps, and to live our lives with the same spirit of humility, faith, and love. We ask you to bless us and protect us, and to guide us in all that we do. We pray for the intercession of Sainte Thérèse, that she may help us to grow in our love for you and in our desire to serve others.


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Saint Therese

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