
Fratelli Tutti - Fraternity and Social Friendship

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«The following pages are not intended to summarize the doctrine on fraternal love, but focus on its universal dimension, its openness to all. I commit this social encyclical as a humble contribution to reflection, so that, in view of the various current ways of eliminating or ignoring others, we are able to react with a new dream of fraternity and social friendship that is not limited to words. Although I wrote it based on my Christian convictions, which encourage and nourish me, I tried to do it in such a way that reflection is open to dialogue with all people of good will. »
Pope Francis

«The spiritual stature of a human life is measured by love, which constitutes“ the criterion for the definitive decision on the value or worthlessness of a human life ”. However, there are believers who think that their greatness lies in the imposition of their ideologies on others, or in the violent defense of the truth, or in great demonstrations of strength. All of us believers must recognize this: love is first, love must never be put at risk, the greatest danger is not loving (cf. 1 Cor 13: 1-13) »FT (92)

Fact sheet
Title: Fratelli Tutti - About fraternity and social friendship
Author: Papa Francisco
Section: Encyclicals Format: 13 cm x 20 cm
Pages: 208
Publisher: Paulus Editora

Product Details
