2019 / 01 / 03

Conseils pour une maison catholique

Conseils pour une maison catholique

Many people do not know how and where to put Catholic images in their home, here are some tips to get your home protected by Saints and Catholic Archangels.

It is very common that in every room of the house you have the image of a saint or archangel to bring good energy to that environment and its inhabitants and the presence of the archangels, saints and deities bring a sense of protection to home, family and home.

  These deities have the function of making certain moments of our day reserved for us to get in touch with the higher planes, be it through meditation or prayers, in search of peace and answers.

Here are some of these saints and their energies.

St. George protecting the entrance
It is very common to have the image of St. George in front of the houses or on the front door. To the holy warrior is passed the mission of defending the dwellers of the house from any evil.

Archangel Michael, the guardian of the house
Archangel Michael is another guardian of the house and its inhabitants. It can be placed in the living room or in the kitchen, near the front door. It is also placed in the rooms to keep an eye on good sleep.

Jesus Christ blessing the family
Many families like to place the image of Jesus with open arms in a highlight of the living room. The energy in this case is very clear: May Jesus Christ bless and protect all.

Holy Supper in the dining room
Living room and dining table are places where the family gets together to make a meal and once again celebrate a meeting of all members. It is a prosperous and blessed moment. To energize this place and moment in God's eyes, many people put the image of the Lord's Supper.

Saint Anthony and Santo Expedictus in the kitchenCooking is synonymous with abundance, abundance and wealth for the family. In this place we store and prepare the food of our daily consumption. Kitchen is a very common place to have pictures of saints and saints to protect food. Santo Antônio and Santo Expedito are associated with abundance and that there is never a lack of food in the house. Our Lady Aparecida is to bless the food.

Holy Family in the intimate room
In the place where the family is most in the house, an intimate room or a TV room, it is very common to have family photos in picture frames. To bless this union is very common to have the image of the Holy Family in the place.

Boy Jesus in son's bedroom
To protect children, parents often put the image of angels, archangels or some saint they are devout. But when the child is small, it is very common to have the image of the Child Jesus to protect the baby and his sleep and health.

Cross symbol of protection
The cross or crucifix is widely used in any home environment to symbolize protection, blessings, faith, and the presence of God in the home. It is very common to have in rooms and rooms.

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