2020 / 09 / 20

Patron Saint of the Unemployed

Patron Saint of the Unemployed

Saint Caetano, also known as the patron saint of the unemployed, was born on October 1, 1487, in Vicenza (Italy). Saint Caetano was also known for having visions of Our Lady, mainly on Christmas Eve, Caetano had a vision of the Mother of God carrying the Baby Jesus and placing him in her arms.

At the age of 42, Caetano founded a Hospital for the "Incurables" and worked to comfort and cure patients in times of plague, probably many of his patients were victims of bubonic plague.

Later the Pope sent Caetano to Naples, where he founded the Church of San Paolo Maggiore, which became an important center for Catholic reform.

While in Naples, Caetano became seriously ill and offered his sufferings for the conversion of the people of Naples, eventually dying on August 6, 1547 and buried in the basilica of San Paolo Maggiore in Naples.

Saint Caetano was canonized by Pope Clement X in 1671 and is the patron saint of job seekers and the unemployed.

Prayer of Saint Caetano

" O Saint Caetano, who knew the weakness of the Church mainly in its most responsible members, and who worked for the reform of life and of the customs of Christians, look with great love and compassion on our families and communities. Cast your powerful hand so that the spirit of faith, love and justice may reign among us, according to the will of Christ. from us assume his obligations, because Christ expects from each of his followers, faithfulness, service and dedication in favor of the brothers. Amen! "

"God of all comfort, merciful Father, who sees in secret and knows our needs, who feeds the birds of the sky and dresses the lilies of the field, we ask you, O Lord, through the intercession of St. Caetano, who help us to always live in your love and in the love of our brothers, and, thus, grant us the grace to never lack neither bread nor daily work.

your request).

O glorious Saint Caetano, we trust in the providence of God and in your intercession ". Pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary.

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