Image of Our Lady of Pregnancy
The image of Our Lady of the O with her left hand on her belly and her right hand held in sign of fulfillment of promises is the Santa of women who wish to be mothers and are trying to get pregnant and for those who expect baby.
Women who wish to be mothers and are trying to get pregnant should pray a novena to Nossa Senhora do Ó and those who expect a baby should request a healthy and successful delivery.
Prayer to Our Lady of the O
Sweet Virgin Mary,
whose heart was prepared by God
for the verb abode made flesh
for the ineffable joys of expectation
of your most holy birth,
teach us the perfect dispositions
of an entire purity in body and soul,
of deep humility
in spirit and heart,
of a burning and sincere desire
of union with God,
so that the sweet fruit of your blessed entrails,
may be born mercifully in our hearts,
bringing to them the abundance of divine gifts,
for the redemption of our sins,
sanctification of our life
and obtaining our crown in Paradise,
in your company.
So be it.